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Cayenne Tincture

Image of Cayenne Tincture


Cayenne is the #1 herb for First Aid. Cayenne helps restore normal body functions, relieves rheumatism, counteracts putrefaction and infection, relieves nervous irritability and spasms, condenses and firms the tissues, excites intestinal peristalsis, relieves spasms, promotes expulsion of gas from the gastrointestinal tract, is hot and penetrating, stimulates local circulation, increases saliva and aids digestion, stops bleeding, is a general all around stimulant to activity and energy.

Recommended use: 1-3 dropperfuls in a glass of water. (1 dropper = aprox. 30 drops.) 2 oz. contains approximately 1200 drops.

The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated this statement. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent disease.